Get Started With GINS

To begin, you had some time to explore the books that you could read for this novel study.

In the "Links" section of your Master Document, you should have two links for this project:

  • Novel Study Working doc
    • This will be where you collect all of your pre-writing, planning, and drafting for each of your posts.
  • Novel Study Blog
    • This is where you will showcase your FINAL drafts of posts, remembering to publish work that is high-quality, error-free, and that has clearly considered audience engagement.

Remember, you are being asked to become an expert on this book, and the issue in this book. This novel study will give you the opportunity to:

  • access your empathy in getting to know the characters/people in the story through their struggles and triumphs
  • develop your understanding of the world through the lens of a certain issue (or issues)
  • share this understanding, and your inquiry, through a variety of methods and with a variety of audiences
  • research beyond the novel to expand on your understanding
  • work collaboratively to educate your colleagues about your novel and issue, and conversely learn about theirs
  • read carefully and dig deeply into the novel, exercising your close reading skills, Talking to the Text reading strategies, therefore addressing many ELA 9 outcomes
  • make connections to Social Studies 9 curricular outcomes

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